The Pulaski County Regional Recycling Center,
218 West KY 80, Somerset KY 42501

(606) 677-0320

Monday – Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Closed weekends and Holidays


How to help keep Pulaski Counties Recycle Center running by recycling properly.

Not everything with a recycle symbol can be recycled locally.
See below for details and flyers.

Keep up to date on the latest happenings at the Recycle Center by visiting our NEWS Page.

Download our new Waste Wizard to never miss a collection again.

As well as, search to see if an item should be trashed, recycled, or disposed of another way.


Pulaski Counties Regional Recycle Center processes material for several other Kentucky communities. If your community recycles with us, the information on acceptable and unwanted items below applies to you as well. Please note that some affiliates don’t accept glass due to the risk to collectors. 

Because we are a Regional Recycling Center we partner with all surrounding communities, counties and cities: 


Pulaski County Recycling Center
 Walmart Parking Lot
City of Somerset Maintenance Garage


  • Aluminum cans
  • Steel food cans (Please rinse. Labels can stay on.)
  • Plastic screw top bottles and jugs
  • Dry cardboard with packing material removed
  • Glass bottles and jars: colored and clear (for drop off only at our West 80 Facility)
  • Paper products: newspaper and inserts, magazines, phone books, office and school papers, catalogs, brown paper bags, etc.
  • Paperboard, such as cereal boxes, shoe boxes and toilet paper rolls. You can recycle paperboard made for the refrigerator or freezer, such as soda or beer boxes or frozen meal containers at our facility.


Computers, Monitors, CPU’s, TV’s (no floor models), Cell Phones, Tablets, Printers, Dishwashers, Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Freezers, Hot Water Heaters, Microwaves, Auto Batteries, Household Batteries.


Trash in recycling carts and dumpsters make the Recycle Center less efficient. Many of unwanted items can damage equipment or pose a risk to workers. Please throw these items away in your green roll cart or dispose of them using the alternative method indicated.

These items include:

  • Plastic bags, wrap and film (Several stores accept plastic bags for recycling.)
  • Hoses
  • Bungee cords
  • Christmas lights (Christmas lights can be recycled at the Electronic Recycling Center.)
  • Clothes (Several charities will accept clothing and other cloth items for reuse.)
  • Chains (There is a special metal recycling dumpster located at the Recycling Center. Chains should not be put in curbside recycling carts or recycling dumpsters.)
  • Pyrex or plate glass
  • Ceramics
  • Packaging intended for the refrigerator or freezer: soft drink carrier cases, frozen-food boxes, etc.
  • Styrofoam containers
  • Clam shell packaging
  • Disposable cups, hot or cold
  • Plastic yogurt cups
  • Wrapping and tissue paper


We know recycling guidelines can be confusing!

The MOBILE APP will help — download it now for information and alerts!

Here are some tips to help you get started being the best recycler you can be:

  • Reuse, or even refuse, items whenever possible!

  • Recyclables should be empty, but they don’t have to be washed.  

  • Do not use plastic bags – leave recyclables loose in your bin or cart.

  • Keep lids attached to containers.

  • Flatten boxes to save space in your bin or cart or drop-off location dumpsters.

  • NO Styrofoam in curbside or drop-off locations. 

  • NO plastic grocery bags. Plastic grocery bags can be recycled at participating stores. 

Still have questions? Contact DANNY MASTEN or call (606) 677-0320.
